Committee of Academic Sponsors (CAS)
It consists of representatives from Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF), National ICT R&D Fund, National Space Agency of Pakistan (NSAP), National Engineering & Scientific Commission (NESCOM), and Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST). The committee seeks small annual ‘dues’ from these organizations. These funds over time builds up an independent endowment for the Institute's operating budget. Sponsors send their faculty members to participate in the Institute’s programmes to further enhance their professional development.
Committee of Industrial Sponsors (CIS)
A committee of industrialists sponsors researchers and experts from abroad to come to the institute to teach and do research monitored by the International Scientific Advisory Committee.
International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC)
The International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC) consists of leading researchers from scientifically developed nations. The Committee is responsible for scientific content of programmes. It selects and evaluates programmes and proposals from the mathematical community.
Joint Committee of AF, PakMS & IPMC
The Joint Committee (JC) comprises six members from three well-established and internationally known fora, namely, Algebra Forum (AF), International Pure Mathematics Conference (IPMC) and Pakistan Mathematical Society (PakMS). The Joint Committee organizes various mathematical programmes.