Professor Dr. Qaiser Mushtaq

Professor Dr Qaiser Mushtaq Emeritus Professor at Quaid-i-Azam University, was Vice Chancellor of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur (19.12.2014 - 18.12.2018), Vice Chancellor, Ghazi University (01.07.2016 - 17.09.2018), Dera Ghazi Khan and  Vice Chancellor of Government Sadiq Women College University (27.01.2015 - 28.08.2015), Bahawalpur also. He has been an Acting Vice Chancellor (of and on for  3 months), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. Prof Dr Qaiser Mushtaq has been twice Dean of Faculty of Natural Science, twice Member of the Syndicate, the senior most Professor at Quaid-i-Azam University and an Honorary Full Professor at the Mathematics Division, Institute for Basic Research, Florida, USA.

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International Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC)

Professor B. Servatius
Brigitte Irma Servatius is a mathematician specializing in matroids and structural rigidity. She is a professor of mathematics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and has been the editor-in-chief of the Pi Mu Epsilon Journal since 1999. Wikipedia
Affiliation: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Research interests: Discrete Mathematics
Books: Configurations from a Graphical Viewpoint
Education: Syracuse University, University of Graz

Mathematical Sciences, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
100 Institute Road, Worcester, MA 01609-2280


Professor Sarah Rees
Sarah Elizabeth Rees is Professor of Pure Mathematics at Newcastle University. Her focus of research is on geometrical, combinatorial and computational aspects of group theory. Rees obtained her Ph.D. in 1983 from the University of Oxford. Her dissertation, supervised by Peter Cameron, was On Diagram Geometry. Wikipedia
Born: 1957
Education: University of Oxford
Books: Groups, Languages and Automata
Academic advisor: Peter Cameron

School of Mathematics & Statistics 
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
United Kingdom


Professor Said Najati Sidki
Professor Sidki is one of the most prominent Brazilian algebraists, founder of the biannual Escola de Algebra and is a Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

Departamento de Matematica
Universidade de Brasilia
Brasilia, D.F. 70910-900
Brasilia, Brazil


Professor K P Shum
Faculty of Science
Department of Mathematics
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, Hong Kong
China (SAR)


Professor Steven A.Bleiler
Steve Bleiler is a natural speaker. He is an engaging performer whose wit and delivery captures audiences and leaves them with a sense of wonder for the beauty of mathematics. He is just as comfortable talking about the topology of horse saddles to groups of high school students in rural Oregon as he is talking about more arcane topics in geometric topology to an audience of professional mathematicians at an international congress.  A performer, educator, inspiring force, and enthusiastic colleague, Steve Bleiler embodies the love of mathematics.

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
College of Liberal Arts and sciences
Portland State University
Portland Oregon 97207-0751


Professor DATO’ Rosihan M. Ali
Dr. Rosihan M. Ali is Professor of Mathematics at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). He received his B. Sc (Distinction) from University of Nevada in 1979, and his M. Sc and Ph. D from Texas Tech University in 1981 and 1985 respectively.

Prof. Ali's main contribution to the national mathematical community is to serve as Editor–In–Chief of the Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, a scholarly journal published jointly with USM and Springer. His editorial efforts since 1998 have led to the Bulletin being indexed in the Science Citation Index Expandedof Web of Science and Scopus, as well as a Reference List Journal in the discipline database MathSciNet by AMS. The Bulletin is the sole journal to have received the national CREAM Award from the Ministry of Education (& MoHE), Malaysia for four consecutive years (2015 – 2018) since the inception of the award in 2015.

Prof. Ali has served as USM Deputy Vice–Chancellor (Academic and International Affairs) from 2005 – 2007, and Dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences from 1995 – 2001. He was a member of the University Board of Governors from 2011 – 2014. Prof. Ali also served as a member of the National Science and Research Council, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia from 2011 – 2015.

In 2008, Prof. Ali was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia, as well as a Fellow of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, and in 2010, as a Fellow of the Malaysian Scientific Association. He is a recipient of the University 2008 Distinguished Personality Award (Tokoh USM peringkat Kebangsaan) and the 2012 Distinguished Personality Award (Tokoh USM peringkat Antarabangsa). With the consent of His Royal Highness DYMM Sultan of Pahang, Prof. Ali was conferred State Honours the Darjah Indera Mahkota Pahang (DIMP) (which carries the title Dato') in May 2006, and the Sri Indera Mahkota Pahang (SIMP) (which carries the title Dato' Indera) on September 26, 2017.

School of Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 USM, Penang


Professor Leonid Bokut
Born 29 June 1937, Krupki, Minsk Reg., USSR
Fields of research: Associative rings, Lie algebras, Combinatorial algebra, Semigroups, Groups. (for detail please visit)

Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Academy of Sciences
Siberian Branch
Novosibirsk, 630090


Professor B.K. Dass
B.K. Dass is Professor in the Department of Mathematics at University of Delhi. He has been Head, Department of Mathematics and Dean, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of University of Delhi. He has earned two research degrees viz. Ph.D. in 1975 and D.Sc. in 1983. His research interests include Coding Theory, Information Theory, Cryptography, Applied Algebra, and Discrete Mathematics. He has published over 100 research papers and has edited 7 books, apart from supervising 25 Ph.D. candidates and over a dozen M.Phil. students.

Prof. Dass was elected President of Mathematical Sciences section of Indian Science Congress Association 2008-2009. He was Chairman of National Committee of ‘India Mathematics Year 2009’of Ministry of Science and Technology. He was also elected as President of Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications. He has been responsible as a member of the committees for setting up several Centres of Mathematical Sciences in India at Kerala, Banaras Hindu University, Banasthali University (Rajasthan), Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore), C.R. Rao institute at Hyderabad. He was appointed as Chairman of the committee of the initiative “Human Resource Development in Mathematics” initiated by the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India. Was appointed as Ambassador of ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) 2014 held in South Korea in August 2014.

Department of Mathematics
University of Delhi


The 8th PakMS Gold Medal has been awarded to Late Professor Khwaja Masud, on 19th January 2024 in an investiture ceremony held at the Banquet Hall of the Islamabad Club, Islamabad.
International Pure Mathematics Conference
60th PakMS National Seminar
Pakistan Mathematical Society
Algebra Forum

23rd IPMC 2023

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